Conference Access Information and FAQs


How do I attend the conference?
ESWC 2020 sessions are being held using Zoom, a free virtual meeting software. Participants who wish equiring an internet connection via computer, tablet, or smartphonephone. All registered sisters will receive an email Thursday, September 10 with three Zoom links - one for the Friday night session, one for the Friday night painting workshop, and one for the Saturday morning session. Please note that if you registered in time to receive an art kit, you are already registered for the conference.

If you have used Zoom before, you will have no trouble at all - there will be no meeting password, and no waiting room. You simply click the link and join the meeting.

If you have not used Zoom, you may download Zoom in advance by clicking the link below and downloading "Zoom Client for Meetings," or click on the meeting link a few minutes early in order to download it then. If you have any trouble downloading it, please be in touch with us by email ( and we will get someone to help you!

Additionally, these Zoom sessions will be streamed to our ESWC Facebook group using Facebook Live. This means that if you prefer, instead of using Zoom, you can log into your Facebook account and simply watch the conference there. You will be able to comment and use emoji to interact with other participants if you choose, and the video will remain up after the live broadcast is over.

Link to download Zoom (select "Zoom Client for Meetings"):

Link to join our Facebook group (you must have a Facebook account to do this):

Will I be on camera if I attend through Zoom?
We will be using a webinar format for the conference, which means that only the presenters will be on video. Participants will be muted and will not be seen on video. The exception to this is Friday evening's painting workshop, which will be held using a standard Zoom meeting, so participants will have the option to be on camera or not.

Will I be able to interact with presenters or other sisters?
Since this is our first virtual conference, we want to be sure to provide as smooth an experience as possible. For this reason, we have decided to limit the interactive features during most of the Zoom webinar sessions; the chat will be turned off, and participants' audio will remain muted. There are two exceptions to this: the Saturday morning presentation by Sister Shannon Gish, and the painting workshop with Sister Jessica Millis.

The presentation offered by Sister Gish will incorporate some of Zoom's interactive features. Sisters may be invited to share insights or ask questions by invitation, and Sister Gish will explain how to use the features at the appropriate times. We ask that participants do not unmute their audio without being asked to do so. No participant will be required to use these features - you are welcome to simply watch and enjoy if you choose.

The painting workshop will be held as a standard Zoom meeting. This means that participants may choose to have their cameras on (i.e., show yourself on screen as part of the meeting), and the chat feature will also be on. Our presenter, Sister Millis, is skilled in art instruction, and this is an interactive workshop rather than a lecture-style presentation. We do ask that participants leave their audio on mute unless directed to unmute by Sister Millis. 

Sisters viewing through our Facebook group can always interact with each other by commenting on the video and using the emoji, and we hope you will! Presenters won't be able to see it in real-time, but they will be able to review it after, and it's a great way to interact with other participants.

What if I can't watch the conference live?
One silver lining in switching to a virtual conference is that we have the ability to provide the video after it is over! We will be recording the Zoom sessions with the exception of the painting workshop, and registered sisters will receive an email within a week after the conference ends with a link to access the video recording. Additionally, the video from the Facebook Live stream will remain available in the group.


Who can participate?
All women of the Relief Society, as well as young women ages 16+, are invited to participate. Neighbors and friends are also wholeheartedly welcome, so feel free to share our registration information with them.

Does the conference cost money?
No - as always, Exeter Stake Women's Conference is completely free.

Can my friends and I attend if we didn't register?
Absolutely, if you are in our ESWC Facebook group! However, it would be a big help if you would register so that we may distribute information and collect feedback easily. Additionally, the link to access the recorded sessions after the conference will be provided through our registration system, so if you'd like to receive this, please do register.

When will I receive my supplies for the painting workshop?
Supply kits have been assembled and delivered to a representative from each ward to coordinate delivery. You may expect to receive your kit by Thursday, September 10. 

Is it too late to request supplies for the painting workshop?
Anyone who registered before August 24 and indicated interest will receive the supply kit for the painting workshop. Unfortunately, sisters who register after August 24 are not guaranteed a kit, but may contact us by email ( to see if extras are available.

Have a question that’s not listed? 
Feel free to ask us directly by email!

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