July 23, 2020

Restore & Rejoice, Refocused

Since announcing plans back in March for the upcoming Exeter Stake Women's Conference, the entire world has changed. After much deliberation and prayerful discussion over the course of many meetings, it became clear that the planned and announced overnight experience, with the varied opportunities it would afford, would not be possible this year. We knew we needed to take a hard look at what we had planned, follow the Lord's direction given through stake leadership, and decide what is most important to offer. We had to refocus.

In doing so, we have had opportunity to curate an experience that will be exactly what the Lord would have us provide. Under His direction, this conference, in its virtual form, will be more inclusive than ever before, as there will be no physical or safety barriers to attendance. The list of offerings, which was at first unusually large given the extra time and space we had, has been refined, leaving a selection of only those messages and activities that will truly help sisters restore and rejoice. This conference will bless the sisters of the Exeter Stake, and the process already has. 

It is hoped that you will continue to set aside September 11-12 to join us virtually. You will find all relevant information through this site and are welcome to contact members of the planning committee or Stake Relief Society presidency as needed. Together, we will restore and rejoice in body and soul as surely as we would have in the way originally planned. 

With love,

The Women's Conference Planning Committee

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