September 7, 2020

Spotlight: Exeter Stake Relief Society Presidency Message with Sister Renée Kelly


Little did we know when we chose our “Restore and Rejoice” theme at the very beginning of 2020 that the whole world would be looking to restore so much so many months later. This year has proven to be a challenging one in general, yet one with many individual blessings. Historically, for members of The Church Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, this year marks the 200th anniversary of the restoration of the gospel. The results of a simple prayer by a simple boy (JSH 1:15) have reached every corner of the world. For this conference, let’s bring the focus in very close and use the wonderful gifts of the gospel to restore ourselves on a daily basis. It is very much needed!

“Restore all that was hers” (2Kings 8:6) is a promise made in the scriptures and one that is so timely for us all. I invite you to take some time for yourself this coming Friday evening and Saturday morning and attend all that has been prepared for you. Let the inspired messages, art and music restore your soul and renew your faith. Let’s rejoice together as we feel the Lord’s love for each one us.

Much love,

About the presenter

Renée Kelly is wife to one, mother of 3 and grandmother to 8, soon to be 9, beautiful grandchildren. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Children’s Literature from the University of Massachusetts - Amherst and a certIficate in American Sign Language interpreting. She worked as a certified educational interpreter for 13 years.

Renée and her husband Steve have been members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for almost 30 years. She is eternally grateful for the blessings the gospel has brought to her and her family. She has served in many different callings. Currently she serves as the Exeter Stake Relief Society president. Each calling she has served in has given her the opportunity to meet the most wonderful women whom she counts as very dear friends.

About the artwork

Edited photograph. Original retrieved from

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