September 10, 2020

Spotlight: "Emma and Joseph," a theatrical presentation by Brother Scott Earnshaw and Sister Valerie Earnshaw


A highlight of our Friday evening session will be a theatrical presentation, "Joseph and Emma," performed by Brother Scott Earnshaw and Sister Valerie Earnshaw. Brother Earnshaw has presented his portrayal of Joseph Smith in a variety of venues. It was originally written for the Bedford, NH Historical Society to tell the history of the Restoration and showcase Joseph's New England roots. This version, re-written for the Exeter Stake Women's Conference and recorded at our own Zion's Camp, has incorporated Emma's voice and some of the early history of Relief Society delivered by Sister Valerie Earnshaw. Join Joseph and Emma as they welcome visitors to their 'City Beautiful.’ They will describe their personal lives and many of the events of the Restoration as they both worked tirelessly to build up the kingdom of God on earth. Much of the text is in Joseph's own words, some familiar, others less known. While history has not left us as many specific words from Emma, her story is a combination of recollections from those close to her, including family stories from her direct descendants.

What better way for us to commemorate the bicentennial of the restored gospel than to take a trip back in time to see a sliver of how it all began! Adding to an already Spirit-filled performance is the beautiful music selected by Sister Shannon Baxter, the music coordinator for ESWC 2020. This presentation is the very essence of our theme, “Restore & Rejoice.” Make the time, take the time, and come come see for yourself!

About the presenters

Scott and Valerie Earnshaw are members of the Bedford, NH ward in the Concord, NH stake. They have been married 30 years and have spent much of this time trying to find ways to share their testimonies of the Restoration with others.

About the artwork

Rogers, Julie (n.d.). Joseph and Emma in Prayer [Photograph of giclee on canvas]. Retrieved from

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