September 20, 2020

A follow-up message from Sister Kelly


It has been a little more than a week since our wonderful women’s conference and it is still very much on my mind. For me, there were so many takeaways to really ponder and to put into practice all wrapped up in a tremendous amount of gratitude for so many who prepared so prayerfully. If you took the time to gather with us last week you know without a doubt there were loving messages specifically for you. Until we gathered for this conference I didn’t realize how much I’ve missed sharing such powerful spiritual experiences. I felt restored and I did rejoice because of it!
As we have been more isolated than usual over the past few months there have been blessings there too. Maybe some have had more time to ponder alone, maybe a slower pace and pause to recognize things we didn’t have time for before. Positives can certainly be pulled from some of our COVID time. But, our time together on Friday and Saturday reminded me that there is such power in being together and sharing. I left our women’s conference with such optimism and hope and with such a longing to sit with you again; to be with you face to face and to share our sweet sisterhood. More than ever I am looking forward to returning to church, to the temple and to relief society activities with you to share in those precious spiritual moments and to enjoy each others company.
If you haven’t yet been able to watch it ... and it is coming ... please make the time and take the time once the presentations are made available.

The video of “Joseph and Emma” is available now. Please watch it yourself and watch it with your families. Brother and Sister Earnshaw’s portrayal is sweet and spirit filled.
A thousand thank yous for all that you are!
With lots of love, gratitude and hope,

September 10, 2020

Spotlight: "Emma and Joseph," a theatrical presentation by Brother Scott Earnshaw and Sister Valerie Earnshaw


A highlight of our Friday evening session will be a theatrical presentation, "Joseph and Emma," performed by Brother Scott Earnshaw and Sister Valerie Earnshaw. Brother Earnshaw has presented his portrayal of Joseph Smith in a variety of venues. It was originally written for the Bedford, NH Historical Society to tell the history of the Restoration and showcase Joseph's New England roots. This version, re-written for the Exeter Stake Women's Conference and recorded at our own Zion's Camp, has incorporated Emma's voice and some of the early history of Relief Society delivered by Sister Valerie Earnshaw. Join Joseph and Emma as they welcome visitors to their 'City Beautiful.’ They will describe their personal lives and many of the events of the Restoration as they both worked tirelessly to build up the kingdom of God on earth. Much of the text is in Joseph's own words, some familiar, others less known. While history has not left us as many specific words from Emma, her story is a combination of recollections from those close to her, including family stories from her direct descendants.

What better way for us to commemorate the bicentennial of the restored gospel than to take a trip back in time to see a sliver of how it all began! Adding to an already Spirit-filled performance is the beautiful music selected by Sister Shannon Baxter, the music coordinator for ESWC 2020. This presentation is the very essence of our theme, “Restore & Rejoice.” Make the time, take the time, and come come see for yourself!

About the presenters

Scott and Valerie Earnshaw are members of the Bedford, NH ward in the Concord, NH stake. They have been married 30 years and have spent much of this time trying to find ways to share their testimonies of the Restoration with others.

About the artwork

Rogers, Julie (n.d.). Joseph and Emma in Prayer [Photograph of giclee on canvas]. Retrieved from

September 7, 2020

Spotlight: Exeter Stake Relief Society Presidency Message with Sister Renée Kelly


Little did we know when we chose our “Restore and Rejoice” theme at the very beginning of 2020 that the whole world would be looking to restore so much so many months later. This year has proven to be a challenging one in general, yet one with many individual blessings. Historically, for members of The Church Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, this year marks the 200th anniversary of the restoration of the gospel. The results of a simple prayer by a simple boy (JSH 1:15) have reached every corner of the world. For this conference, let’s bring the focus in very close and use the wonderful gifts of the gospel to restore ourselves on a daily basis. It is very much needed!

“Restore all that was hers” (2Kings 8:6) is a promise made in the scriptures and one that is so timely for us all. I invite you to take some time for yourself this coming Friday evening and Saturday morning and attend all that has been prepared for you. Let the inspired messages, art and music restore your soul and renew your faith. Let’s rejoice together as we feel the Lord’s love for each one us.

Much love,

About the presenter

Renée Kelly is wife to one, mother of 3 and grandmother to 8, soon to be 9, beautiful grandchildren. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Children’s Literature from the University of Massachusetts - Amherst and a certIficate in American Sign Language interpreting. She worked as a certified educational interpreter for 13 years.

Renée and her husband Steve have been members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for almost 30 years. She is eternally grateful for the blessings the gospel has brought to her and her family. She has served in many different callings. Currently she serves as the Exeter Stake Relief Society president. Each calling she has served in has given her the opportunity to meet the most wonderful women whom she counts as very dear friends.

About the artwork

Edited photograph. Original retrieved from

September 4, 2020

Spotlight: "Developing Resilience in the Midst of Challenge: Building and Defining Hope" with Sister Tina Jarrett


Hope is most often thought of as a desire or wish we have for something good or better than what is presently before us. When spoken of by the Lord’s anointed, it is much more than a mere wish or desire.  It is “sure, unwavering, and active”; it is “trust” in the Lord’s promise that our lives have meaning and purpose and that our experiences here are for our “learning and growth.”  Hope is “finding light in the darkness, and trusting in right endings.” It is an essential tool in developing the resilience that will allow us to weather our collective and individual challenges.  
This presentation is focused on discovering and gaining strength from the source of all truth and light and taking simple, proactive steps to increase our tenacity and ability to weather the storms of life.

About the presenter
Tina Jarrett is a member of the Exeter, NH ward.  Among other things, she loves being in nature, eating good food, and reading out loud to her children.  When it comes to books, there are far too many favorites to list, but one simple paperback that she has read innumerable times to each of her children is I Like Me by Nancy Carlton. The protagonist shares some of the characteristics and attributes that she likes about herself, talks about how she takes care of herself, and then states, “When I fall down, I pick myself up. When I make mistakes, I try and try again."
Tina has had quite a lot of practice picking herself up and trying things again and again in an attempt to be successful.  Though often painful, she is grateful for the growth and learning accumulated from her many “falls.”  She believes that blue skies, clean rooms, fresh blueberries, and sincere smiles hold power to brighten even the darkest of moods.

About the artwork
Boekelmann, Mic (2012). Resilience of Hope [Portrait painting]. Retrieved from

September 2, 2020

Spotlight: "Jesus Christ, No Better Advocate for Women" with Sister Tasha Parker

Sisters, we are, perhaps without realizing it, in a battle for our souls and the souls of our loved ones. Our victory or defeat will depend upon how well we receive and follow communications from our Commander, Jesus Christ. Can we do that better? Can we do that to the degree we are restored by Him . . . and to the degree that we can rejoice in His presence here on this battlefield? Come and let us renew our personal relationship with Him--our Advocate, Friend, and Brother--for He will most assuredly "preserve [us] by his miraculous and matchless power" (Hel 4:25).

About the presenter
Tasha Parker grew up on the plains of Nebraska and finally saw the ocean for the first time at age 27. She loves clean kitchens, sunsets, and sitting in the Celestial Room; but, her children would say her three favorite pastimes are work, work, and more work! Tasha has enjoyed serving on the Nashua Area Interfaith Council, joining hands with people of many faiths in service to the community. Her husband, Jim, is a quiet man from Virginia who just wanted to be a farmer but ended up in finance (he does, however, own a John Deere lawn tractor in token of the dream). Instead of crops, the Parkers are raising 12 children and 7 grandchildren. They are collectively on track to "plant" 100 copies of the Book of Mormon this year, and are praying for a rich harvest. Tasha loves the Savior Jesus Christ and is so excited to talk "sister to sister" on Saturday the 12th. 

About the artwork
Christ Reaching to Help Woman [screenshot from The Life of Jesus Christ video series]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

August 26, 2020

Spotlight: "Expecting Personal Revelation – Developing 'Full Confidence in Obtaining…Divine Manifestation[s]' (JSH 1:29)" with Sister Shannon Gish

At his first general conference address as prophet, President Russell M. Nelson
said, “This is the grand privilege of every Latter-day Saint….that it is our right to have the manifestations of the Spirit every day of our lives,…The privilege of receiving revelation is one of the greatest gifts of God to His children” (Ensign, May 2018). Since then President Nelson has called upon us to deepen and expand our approach to divine communication in order to more fully Hear Him – to hear the voice of Christ.

Often we think revelation requires a certain amount of preparation or worthy-ness in order to come into dialogue with our Father in Heaven; and certainly there is truth to that. But what if revelation is as accessible as the air around us? Would we inhale only when needed, hold our breath until we hear what we desire, or breathe in inspiration so naturally that it becomes second nature? Furthermore, in what ways does having a hopeful assurance, determined purpose, and covenanted agency assist us in developing what Joseph Smith experienced as a, “full confidence in obtaining…divine manifestation[s]”? This workshop explores those questions and others as we dive into scriptural accounts, latter-day examples, and share personal experiences.

About the presenter
Shannon McGurrin Gish was born and raised in the metropolitan area of Washington D.C. where she met and later married her husband, Harvey Gish. They have three sons, two daughters-in-law, and a new granddaughter. Shannon has volunteered in a variety of community and civic endeavors and was elected to serve as a commissioner for the City of Centennial, Colorado where she and her family lived until their move to New Hampshire in 2009. Shannon earned her bachelor’s degree in International Relations with research focused on the role of faith organizations in post-disaster peacekeeping. Currently, she serves as a seminary teacher in the Exeter Ward. She enjoys time with her family, studying the gospel, museum perusing, backyard astronomy, poetry, and all things Irish. She loves the Lord and His Church and feels honored to be numbered among the extraordinary Sisters of the Exeter Stake who inspire her by their faith, covenanted devotion, and spiritual resilience.

About the artwork
Christiansen, James C. (2004). The Responsible Woman [Giclee]. Retrieved from

August 20, 2020

Spotlight: Painting Workshop with Sister Jessica Millis


My name is Jessica Millis. I am an artist and art teacher, working with various ages and levels of artistic experience, from the complete beginner to the more advanced. I am so pleased to have the opportunity to lead our painting tutorial! This project is flexible enough to be accessible to both a beginner as well as those with more painting experience. Everyone who signs up will receive a painting kit,* including paints, a canvas with a sketch of our image, brushes, and an instruction sheet. During our session I will paint along with you and lead the process step by step. We will be painting a forest scene inspired by the Sacred Grove. Artists painting form nature deal with various elements of design, including light and shadow. I was inspired by Joseph Smith's description of the "pillar of light" that appeared to him in the Sacred Grove, dispelling the darkness he had been experiencing. His vision of the Father and the Son represent the ultimate and most essential light for each one of us in our own lives as well. No matter what we're going through, or how crazy things seem to get, we can know that there is always hope through the Savior and His love and light. I love this quote by Vern P. Stanfill:

"There is no darkness so dense, so menacing, or so difficult that it cannot be overcome by light."

I look forward to sharing this painting project with you as we paint our interpretation of the light seen by the prophet Joseph Smith, and contemplate the meaning of Christ's light in our own lives.

Lots of love,
Jess Millis

About the presenter
My name is Jessica Millis. I am originally from Salt Lake, but I've spent most of my adult life either in Maine or on other continents. I currently live in Londonderry NH. I have Bachelor's and Master's degrees in art from the University of Utah...because two mostly useless degrees are better than one? Seriously, though I LOVE art, and I'm so grateful that I have had opportunities to pursue this passion and share with others in many different teaching capacities. I was blessed to serve a mission in Singapore as well as study art in Belgium and France, but my greatest adventure has been my family, including my husband, Justin and our four children. Our home is a beehive of joyful chaos, brimming with ongoing art projects, engineering marvels in progress, and lots of laughter. I believe that art will save the world, or at least help keep us sane and make the world a brighter, more beautiful place. I am looking forward to sharing this painting project with all of you!

About the artwork
Millis, Jessica (n.d.). Untitled [acrylic on canvas].